Where in the World are the Not-So Dulls?!?
That is a great question! If you haven’t already heard, our family decided to upend our life in Orlando, sell everything (including our home and 95% of our possessions), and hit the road. We are traveling the US and adventuring with our girls with a goal to eventually find where we might want to settle in.
Why? Well, the truth is, Joshua and I never intended to live in Florida long term. In fact, we originally said 3-5 years, that was almost 15 years ago! We have been content in where the Lord had us and have found a home and community that we LOVE. People and places that will forever be branded on our hearts and a community that is incredibly hard to depart from. A job Joshua loves has held us in Orlando and we were content with that but as the COVID pandemic has unfolded so has an opportunity for Joshua to keep the job that he loves but also not be required to stay in Orlando. With the housing market skyrocketing this past spring we started wondering if if was time to sell our beautiful unicorn homestead and find some place new.
So for the last many months we have sold our home, sold our possessions, and started planning our adventure. We started homeschooling the girls this fall and found some rhythms and flexibility that we all love. Heather has scaled back her business, and is no longer leading her team but will continue to focus on serving her customers and host. Joshua has figured out how to set up his workstation to be more mobile. And we’ve figured out what the necessities are, that will fit in our minivan for travel. Now we are ready to embark on our great adventure and see where it takes us. Be on the look out for more details of our adventure as it unfolds..there is sure to be never a Dull moment!